Team Building Factory



In the perspective of the social aspects of team building there are two macro categories that we can identify: the environment and the people. How can we combine these aspects?


A “slow” experience


In a factory the procedures are different from the industrial process: nature has a time and place to complete each phase and they must me respected.


With this type of format you can live the tranquillity of the country and watch the process of how nature transform into “consumption products”. It’s a way to return to the origins and discover what it was like to live like our ancestors: peacefully and in contact with nature and all it has to give.


The activities

If we are talking about nature and what it has to offer then the alternatives are infinite!
Team Building Factory foresees working with grapes and the preparation of jam, selecting diverse types of grain and making bread, milking a cow and learning the diverse types of easy cheeses and salami you can prepare and then…make them! Products of vast consumption and exportation in Italy.

The ecologic aspect


As always, every team building must be done watching and protecting the environment  and Team Building Factory not only puts people in contact with nature, but also the importance of reusing elements. In fact, in a factory nothing is wasted: even the products that cannot be use for consumption can however be used as fertilization!

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