Christmas Song Team Building

Christmas Song Team Building: creating a corporate song is always an exciting and creative team building activity. But it is even better if the team has the possibility to do it in that very special time of year that is the Christmas. Making a Christmas Song Team Building means composing a jingle that the corporate team will sing during Christmas dinner… and keep in mind for all the year to come!

Christmas Song Team Building: why choosing it?

If you want to organize a corporate team building event for Christmas season, it can be a good idea to realize a Christmas Song Team Building. It can be done during the corporate celebration, with the composition of a Christmas jingle that will be sung in choir by all the Team. Or before the festive season, in order to prepare participants for the celebration. In both cases, this activity can be crowned by the creation of a music video just like those you see in the TV! It will be acted and directed by the participants and edited by our operators.

The video will be shown during the corporate Christmas celebration and then afterwards, like a promotional and motivational spot the team will keep on watching in the most important moments of the year. It can be created afterwards or right during the event. Of course, it won’t cost little… but it will be a beautiful surprise seeing it at the conclusion of the celebration!